Personal information protection policy

Through our school, dispatch, translation and interpreting services, we recognise the significance of protecting your personal information. Therefore, if there is a need to handle your personal information, we will follow appropriate laws or company regulations and by making endeavours with the establishment of a structure for pertinent personal information protection and respect of clients, we will uphold your trust and expectations in Joytalk.

Acquisition, use and supply of personal information

Where there is a specific purpose for business operations and that purpose requires personal information, Joytalk will reasonably and impartially acquire, use and supply personal information within the limit of necessity.

Standard and legal compliance

Joytalk is committed to providing pertinent safeguards for personal information through observance of laws, government guidelines, other standards and social order.

Pertinent management of personal information

Joytalk recognises the risks of unauthorised use, loss, falsification, leaks, etc, regarding the handling of personal information and will therefore enforce reasonable safety measures as well as take appropriate corrective action should an issue arise.

Enquiry support

Joytalk will suitably respond to requests for disclosure, amendment, cessation of use or complaints regarding the handling of personal information.

Continuous improvement

Joytalk will strive for continual improvement through thorough enforcement and regular review of established management regulations and systems for personal information protection.

Enacted: November 10th, 2018.
Revised: November 13th, 2018.
Joytalk Co. Ltd.
Representative Director Hiroto Tsuchiya

**Contact regarding personal information protection**
Personal information enquiries
Personal information protection administrator: Ms. Itabashi
Ph: 028-682-0006

Regarding personal information handled by Joytalk

Joytalk has pertinent safeguards of personal information based on the personal information protection policy. The below notifications are in regards to the acquisition and retention of personal information for business purposes.

(1) Name of organisation handling personal information

Joytalk Co. Ltd.

(2) Personal information protection administrator's (or representative's) name and position

Personal information protection administrator: Ms Itabashi
Ph: 028-682-0006

(3) Purpose for use of personal information

The purpose for use of personal information acquired is as follows:

① Personal information subject to release

Type of Personal Information ........................................ Purpose of use

Client information ............................................ Business management,
................................................................... communication, billing &
..................................................................... payment management.

Employee information ........................................... Functions related to
..................................................................... employee management

Applicant information ................................... Use related to recruitment
...................................................................... (information provision,
.................................................................... hiring decisions, contact
............................................................... regarding recruitment, etc.)

Former employee information .................... To make contact with former
.................................................................. employees, responding to
....................................................................... enquiries from former
...................................................................................... employees

Enquirer information ........................................ To respond to enquiries

Enrollment applicant ............................ To join the English conversation & student management

Information on individual .................................. To respond to requests
or proxy (upon request ........................................... for disclosure, etc.
for disclosure) ..................................................................................

In addition, it is intended to be used as specified clearly in writing.

② Other acquired personal information

Type of Personal Information ........................................ Purpose of use

Personal information ................................. To use for contracts and the
acquired through .................................. accompanying communication,
entrusted business .............................. execution of consignment work,
................................................................................. after-care, etc.

Information obtained ............................................. For hiring decisions
from recruitment sites ................................................ and notification

(4) Personal information enquiries

For complaints, consultations, and enquiries regarding handling of personal information, including those related to personal information to be disclosed, please see the [Enquiries] section below.

(5) Name of the affiliated personal information protection organization to which the company belongs which can also handle complaint resolution


(6) Procedures for disclosure, etc.

We will promptly respond to individual requests regarding the disclosure of their personal information (notification of usage purpose, disclosure, correction of content, addition or deletion, suspension or elimination of use, suspension of provision to third parties). We will respond within a reasonable period, after confirmation of individual identity or that of a proxy, in the case a request is made.

(7) Enquiries regarding disclosure, etc.

Please use the contact details below to make a request regarding the disclosure of personal information. If contact is made, a specific "Personal Information Disclosure Request" form will be sent by postal mail, fax, e-mail, etc. Please complete the required information and apply by submitting the necessary documents. (Any submission fee shall be borne by the claimant.)
After confirmation of individual identity (or proxy), we will reply in writing. Please note that it may not be possible to respond to requests for disclosure, etc, that do not follow these procedures.


Title ................................................... Personal information Enquiries

Contact ............................. Address: Ujiie 2371-12, Sakura City, Tochigi
............................................................................ Ph: 028-682-0006
........................................................................... Fax: 028-682-4257