24-Hour support


Joytalk will arrange an apartment for teachers, if necessary, at a location near their assigned schools. Generally the apartments are furnished and will come with a washing machine, microwave, internet access, stove, refrigerator, TV and heating/air conditioning. Joytalk is flexible when working with teachers and will find housing that is appropriate to individual circumstances.

Personal items such as bedding, laundry detergent, cooking utensils and other household items are not provided with the apartment. Upon arrival at the apartment, Joytalk's coordinators will assist teachers by taking them to a nearby store to make sure that they can purchase their necessary items.


Joytalk's teachers commute to work in many different ways. Joytalk ALTs commute to work on foot, by bicycle, by car, by bus and by train. Depending on area and circumstances, ALTs are free to find their own preferred means of transportation.

If a teacher has an international driving permit or Japanese driver's license, Joytalk will be able to assist with a car rental. The combined cost for rental, management, maintenance and insurance is approximately 20,000 yen a month.


Joytalk has one main training session right before the Japanese school year starts in April. This training session is held so that new teachers are provided the skills, knowledge and confidence required to get off on the right foot. Teachers also have an opportunity to brush up on teaching skills and share their experiences in various training workshops throughout the year.

Coordinators and Trainers

Joytalk coordinators and trainers are the main source of support for ALTs. Each area has its own support staff and ALTs can expect to build a professional relationship with them. Joytalk's staff members speak both Japanese and English, so even ALTs with little Japanese ability need not worry about receiving help.


Joytalk ALTs tend to be self-reliant problem solvers but there are exceptional situations and circumstances in which ALTs require help. Joytalk's main office is accessible by phone 6 days a week. In addition Joytalk provides 24-hour emergency call numbers. Joytalk will also provide in-person support when it is needed, whether it be an emergency or not. ALTs can feel at ease knowing that no matter what situation they find themselves in, Joytalk will be ready to help.

Meet our Support Staff

Hiro picture

Hiro (Coordinator 2 years)

My job is sometimes hectic but is always fun. I love watching ALTs teach and seeing the students learn. I have studied English for more than 10 years beginning in Junior High School. I usually speak in English with the ALTs but if they want to try their Japanese I'm happy to oblige.

Nathan picture

Nathan (Trainer 6 years)

I am a trainer and curriculum developer for Joytalk. Specifically, I'm in charge of overseeing materials development for teacher training and lessons at the elementary and junior high school level. I work in tandem with other trainers and managers to observe lessons and train teachers. I love seeing teachers and students having fun in the classroom and I strive to equip our teachers with all the necessary tools to make it possible.

Phil picture

Phil (Training and Management 6 Years)

Hey! I am an American, born and raised in the suburbs of Philadelphia in Pennsylvania. I have been living in Japan for over seven years and enjoy meeting new people and learning about what brought them to Japan. If you join up with Joytalk you will most likely encounter me somewhere along the line and I look forward to the chance to meet with you. Never hesitate to get in touch with me about anything if you need a hand. In my personal life I enjoy camping, making video and audio, and gaming of all kinds from digital to analog! Looking forward to sharing new experiences with you. Take it easy!

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